Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Instance shuts down - paging file too small

Our hosting-partner had some trouble with some SCSI-drivers who lead to disconnection from some of the harddrives.
Our db-disk and sap-disk was harmed.

When the problem was fixed we got problems starting one of our two SAP-instances.

At first both instances went green with the text:
"Running, Message Server connection ok"
But this status changed after some minutes:
"Running but not connected to Message Server"
And then the status changed into:

I did not find any answers in the log-files (\usr\sap\sid\DVEBM0000\work).
The answer was in the event-viewer.

[CreateOsShm] CreateFileMapping(6,450000 KB) failed with Err=1455 ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

Solution was to set the paging file again.

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