Thursday, May 7, 2009

My first blogging-day

Hello dear friends and enemies!

This is me and my oldest son. He was 1 year old at the time this picture was taken. He is now 2,5 years old. In desember 2008 my wife and me had twins. A boy and a girl. They are 5 months old now.
So you can imagine that it's a hectic time in our home

This is my first day as a blogger. Mainly I'll write about my profession as an SAP Basis Consultent at CIBER in Norway, but this is something that also affects my private life. So - I will write about both subjects;)
I also want to use this opertunity to improve my english. So you have to excuse me if you find some bad spelling or grammar.


  1. Hollo dear blogger ;)
    Is it ok that i write in Norsk?
    I hope so;)

    Genialt med Blogg Harald, her ser jeg frem til bloggings med mange ulike Harald tema ;)
    Amandus ser som vanlig ut til å smile fra øre til øre. Håper alt står bra til med resten av gjengen åsså.

    Vi må få tatt noen tøffe bilder av Amandus snart! På gjensyn

    Hils Djårdi

  2. Hehe. Ikke så interessant som din blogg, men ok for spesielt interesserte;) Skal se om jeg klarer å holde denne oppdatert, men blir nok for det meste jobb-relatert. Finner på noe snart ja:)
