You will see that the job SAP_REORG_JOBS delete old jobs. This job uses program RSBTCDEL with variant SAP&001. You are not able to change this variant. Even if your user have SAP_ALL- and SAP_NEW-authorization.
You have to make a new variant if you want to delete jobs that is older than 30 days.
This is how you can solve this issue after scheduling the standard job:
1. Go to SE38 and enter program RSBTCDEL
2. Select "Variants" and choose "Change"
3. In the "Variant"-field you have to select "SAP&001"
4. Then choose "Variants" in the menu top left corner and then "Copy". Copy the variant into a new name that you desire:)
5. Make the value-change for the new variant. "Older than days" = 30. Save and close.
6. In the end you have to change the released job SAP_REORG_JOBS. You can do this in SM37. Remember to set the job from released to scheduled before changing.
I guess it's more than one way to solve this issue. Maybe someone knows how to change the original variant?
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