Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is some info from the shordump:

Short text
Invalid request.
What happened?
The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to an internal error in the database interface.
What can you do?
Note which actions and input led to the error.
For further help in handling the problem, contact your SAP administrator
You can use the ABAP dump analysis transaction ST22 to view and manage termination messages, in particular for long term reference.
Error analysis
An invalid request was made to the SAP database interface in a statement in which the table "EDID4 " was accessed.

"SAPLEDI1" or "LEDI1F09"

The Keywords did confuse me a bit. This shortdump recommend to check transaction SM21. Thats a very importen clue. Remember to check more than just the red lights in SM21.
Under a warning in SM21 I found this information:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table SAPR3.EDI40 by 46075 in tablespace PSAPCLUD
So the answer is to extend tablespace PSAPCLUD.

I had over 400MB of free space in the mentioned tablespace. It was 95% full.
I did not think it was a problem related to tablespace. Anyway.... a shortdump with the header "DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST" can be a tablespace-problem even if the keywords indicate something else.
Please send me a message if you need help to extend tablespace (

Picture is from:
I love sap-commercial ;)


  1. Hello.

    Have you solved this issue?

    Best regards,

  2. Harald answered by email november 4:
    In my case it was tablespace. I had to manually extend one tablespace.
    Check SM21 and see if you have any ora-messages.
    I had this message in SM21 (a yellow light):
    ORA-01653: unable to extend table SAPR3.EDI40 by 46075 in tablespace PSAPCLUD

    Let me know if this is not the case at your site.
    best regards
    Harald Vedvik

  3. Hello Harald.

    Thank you for answering so quickly. I have solved my issue with a SAP System restart.

    I checked all tablespaces before I wrote you and there were no tablespaces with space problem.

    Best regards and thank you.

  4. certainly was my problem...and your solution worked perfectly...(thanx even some years after) Pan

  5. certainly was my problem...and your solution worked perfectly...(thanx even some years after) Pan
